Wednesday 11 December 2013

Few Can 'Tess'- Jamaicans Assess Chin's Competition As 'The Voice' Nears End

The vision of Tessanne Chin walking away as the winner of 'The Voice' is now less of a dream and more of a possibility. Tessanne has already secured herself a spot in the semi-finals and, here at home, fans of the artiste are already rallying support for more votes by hosting viewing parties around the Corporate Area. An E News online poll also recently showed that 43 per cent of American voters think Tessanne should win competition. The Gleaner canvassed some Jamaican voices to determine who is seen as Tessanne's biggest competition and why.
- Davina Henry

Wayne Marshall (artiste):

I think that might be Jacquie Lee. She's young and a lot of young people are following the competition. Plus her coach, Christina Aguilera, is aggressively promoting her - to say the least. But, in any case, Tessanne is the one to beat, Jamaican or not. 
Tami Chynn (sister/artiste):
I think Tessanne is her biggest competition. Her experience is shining through and she is peaking at just the right time. I think she might surprise everybody where the voting is concerned. E News did a poll and Tessanne was leading as the person most likely to win. I think Blake's comment also had a lot to do with Tess' iTunes moving so quickly up the charts. 
Assassin (artiste):
Tessanne Chin is her biggest competition. She has everything to win this competition. She is more than 'The Voice'; Tessanne is a star. I think, however, her biggest competition might be the votes, but where talent is concerned she is the winner. The remaining contestants are no competition for her as it relates to talent.
Sharon Burke (Tessanne's agent:)
Tessanne is the voice. She is her biggest competition. Blake Shelton said it best. He said she is a 'world-class talent'. Tessanne has proven over and over again that she is the one to beat.
Chelan Smith (Blogger):
Cole, aka Bear Almighty (I gave him that name), is Tessanne's biggest competition. The fact that we havent noticed him moving in stealth mode is worrying. He is the little engine that could with Nashville, Tennessee, roots and actual talent. He can get the country votes, and those are huge. No one doubts Tessanne's talent, but at this point in the competition it's a numbers and likeability game. Many will say Jacquie Lee because she's loud, but my bet is that Ninja Cole will be her biggest opponent.
Shama Johnson (director of Important Events Ltd):
Her biggest competition is Will, because he's the underdog in the competition and no one expects him to win. He has incredible vocals and he's very humble and works as hard as Tessanne. However, my vote is #teamtessanne #teambreadandbutter. 

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