Wednesday 23 October 2013

A Man Stole This Woman’s Wallet, and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

Jessica Eaves from Guthrie, Oklahoma recently had her wallet stolen by a man while she was grocery shopping. Most people in that situation would immediately get the authorities involved, but she found a way to resolve her problem herself. 

 "I saw this gentleman down the aisle from me,"Jessica tells us. "He walked behind me, and when I got a couple of aisles over, I realized my wallet was gone." 

"I spotted him in a crowded aisle and approached him," she continues. "I'm a pretty out-there personality, but I was quiet and calm."

"I said to him, 'I think you have something of mine. I'm gonna give you a choice. You can either give me my wallet and I'll forgive you right now, and I'll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries." 

The alternative? Jessica reporting him to the police. 

"He reached into his hoodie pocket and gave me my wallet," she recalls, adding that the man was extremely grateful for her help and forgiveness. 

"He started crying when we walked up to the front," she says. "He said he was sorry about 20 times by the time we went from the pickle aisle to the front. He told me he was desperate." 

She spent $27 on his groceries, which included milk, bread, bologna, crackers, soup and cheese. "The last thing he said was, 'I'll never forget tonight. I'm broke, I have kids, I'm embarrassed and I'm sorry.'" 

"Some people are critical because I didn't turn him in, but sometimes all you need is a second chance," she adds. 

This generosity and desire to help others is a major part of Jessica's life. Though she's a full-time college student, United Way employee, wife and mother of four, she still finds time to work with the Christian Outreach in her community and spends up to 12 hours per week volunteering. 

Says Jessica, "My brother and I lost my dad to suicide when I was seven, and I remember him telling me years ago that no matter what I become in life, to always, always be kind."

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