Thursday 2 January 2014

Jennifer Hudson Presents Assistant With A New House For Christmas

Every once in a while, celebrities show appreciation for their staff in major ways. Like that time last summer when Jay-Z and BeyoncĂ© paid out nearly $4 million in bonuses to their staff—just because. Falling in line with the giving spirit that the Christmas season seems to impose on folks from time to time, Jennifer Hudson decided that she would purchase a house for her assistant Walter Williams. Presenting someone with a home as a Christmas gift is a pretty big deal, so as to be expected, Walter’s response was pretty dramatic. Luckily for us, the “Black Nativity” actress caught the entire exchange on tape and shared it on Instagram!
When the video opens, Walter can be seen standing in what appears to be Jennifer’s living room, looking over a set of papers. Realizing that Jennifer purchased a house for him, he hilariously drops the papers to the floor and begins screaming squalling. The entire exchange was really cute and extremely heartwarming. Having known one another since the sixth grade, their relationship obviously exceeds that of a regular boss-assistant relationship, but it’s still so cute to watch. In 2011 Jennifer revealed that Walter is her “closest friend.”
“My assistant Walter is going to kill me for this, but whatever,” Jennifer told The Advocate.“Walter and I have been friends since sixth grade. He’s by far my closest friend and my closest gay friend ever.”
What a sweet gesture!

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