Friday 17 January 2014

two paster charged, 14 year old girl is now pregnant

Two pastors from a St Catherine-based church have been charged in connection with the sexual molestation of a 14-year-old girl who is now pregnant. The wife of one of the pastors has also been charged in connection with the incident.
The trio appeared in the Linstead Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday. One of the pastors has been charged with having sexual intercourse with a person below the age of 16. The other pastor and his wife have been charged with aiding and abetting.
Following the court proceedings, the married pastor and his wife were granted $300,000 bail each, with a surety. The third accused was remanded.
several months pregnant
Allegations are that one of the accused pastor had a sexual relationship with a child. The crime was revealed in December when family members found that she was several months pregnant.
A report was made and an investigation launched, following which he was charged by the police.
Further probe by the investigators revealed that the other two accused knew of the criminal act and did nothing about it.
The trio return to court on February 6, when the matter will be mentioned.

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