Friday 21 February 2014

11-y-o beaten on penis - Cops haul dad before court

A St Catherine man who pleaded guilty to beating his 11-year-old son on his penis for wasting water was given one-year probation in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court on Wednesday.
The man, who is from Portmore, is said to have assaulted the child last week Wednesday, after the youngster went into the bathroom and spent a long time.
loves his children
The accused begged Resident Magistrate Marcia Dunbar-Green not to send him to prison because he loves his children.
The mitigation plea was strengthened by the mother of the child, who added that the accused was a good father and acted out of aggression.
As a result, RM Dunbar-Green ordered that the probation department supervises the father for a year.
It is alleged that the accused hit the child on his private parts which resulted in swelling and bruises. A report was made to the police and following investigations he was arrested and charged with assault occasioning bodily harm.

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