Saturday, 8 March 2014

Lupe Fiasco Named Among Aspen Institute’s 2014 Class Of Henry Crown Fellows

That’s why Chicago native Wasulu Muhammad Jaco, known as Lupe Fiasco, is a recipient of theAspen Institutes’s Henry Crown Fellowship.
Lupe is one of 20 entrepreneurs chosen to create a program that will have a positive impact in his community.
According to Aspen’s website, “All are proven entrepreneurs, mostly from the world of business, who have reached a point in their lives where, having achieved success, they are ready to apply their creative talents to building a better society.” Peter Reiling, executive director of the program, said that each member selected is a representative for the better and are expected to make a positive change on the world.
“We are delighted with this year’s class of Henry Crown Fellows,” said Peter Reiling, executive director of the program. “For society, they represent a potent force of talent, ready to focus their energies on some of the greatest challenges of our times. For them, they are embarking on a personal journey—a journey ‘from success to significance’—that will change their lives forever. I know. I’m a Henry Crown Fellow too.”
The politically conscious Lupe is no stranger to making a difference. His Lupe Fiasco Foundation has done everything from giving coats and food to sponsoring children to study abroad.
Aspen Institute is an non profit educational and policy studies organization that encourages leaders to deal with critical issues.

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