Thursday 27 March 2014

Satellite Spots New Objects as Weather Slows Flight 370 Search

 As search efforts for the Malaysia Airlines plane missing in the southern Indian Ocean were scaled back today amid bad weather, new satellite images have emerged showing about 300 new objects floating nearby, officials said.
Anond Snidvongs, director of Thailand's space technology development agency, said Thursday the images showed "300 objects of various sizes" in the southern Indian Ocean about 1,675 miles southwest of Perth, Australia.
He said the images were taken by the Thaichote satellite on Monday, took two days to process and were relayed to Malaysian authorities on Wednesday.
Anond said the objects were about 125 miles from the area where a French satellite on Sunday spotted 122 objects.
It remained uncertain whether the objects were from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Aircraft were slated to scour the region today, but they were pulled away amid heavy rains and strong winds. Despite the poor weather, ships remained in the area.
Crews were searching two search zones covering roughly 30,000 square miles, trying to find clues into the plane's March 8 disappearance. So far, no objects connected to the missing plane have been recovered.
Search crews are racing to find the plane's black boxes, whose battery-powered "pinger" could stop sending signals within weeks.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was carrying 239 people when it went missing more than two weeks ago.
Relatives of the plane's passengers remain devastated by the situation. Malaysia officials met with relatives for three hours Wednesday, with another meeting occurring Thursday, officials said in a news release.
"Malaysia is working hard to try and make the briefings to the Chines relatives in Beijing more productive," Malaysia officials said in the statement. "Malaysian officials met with His Excellency Huang Huikang, China’s Ambassador to Malaysia, to request the government of China to engage and clarify the actual situation to the affected families, in particular, and the Chinese public, in general."

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