Tuesday 29 April 2014

Rihanna Shares Mostly Shirtless Photos From Her 'Vogue Brazil' Spread

Rihanna's Vogue Brazil shoot is the gift that keeps on giving. Last week we saw the first of her topless photos for the magazine and then her two covers and another clothing-minimal photo from the shoot. Today, Rih shared nine photos from the magazine and they're gorgeous. Holding true to her affinity for not wearing shirts, the bulk of the photos feature Rihanna in various pairs of shorts and a ton of accessories. And...nothing else. In one shot she's lounging on the beach in an oversized straw hat with arms and ears full of gold.

In another photo, she throws on a bomber jacket, sandals, and baseball cap. It kind of looks like she's sight-seeing, but that outfit would probably not be comfortable for a full day of exploration.
There's a shot in which she goes swimming in a white slip, bangles, and cuffs, which is a very fancy outfit for a dip in the ocean. This may be the most clothing she has on in the shoot, but going in the water in it has made it completely sheer, so...it still fits with the overall nude-
ish aesthetic.
The one picture that doesn't ~exactly~ fit in with the rest of them is this closeup in which Rih appears to be both indoors and wearing a shirt. Normally, we'd be all for complete dedication to the theme, but, I mean, look at this snap. Look at that cute li'l scrunched up nose! They couldn't let this picture not see the light of day, right? Here, Rih wears the same hoops from one of her covers, a solid gold choker, and gobs of bangles.
Considering all the promo Rih has done for this shoot, it's safe to say she's as into it (if not more so) as we are. If I were @badgalriri (dream big, pal) I'd make my phone/computer/iPad screens various photos from this shoot and set them to rotate every few hours. There's a lot to take in—why not stare at these photos all day, every day?

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