Friday 4 April 2014

Tommy Lee bail extended

Dancehall entertainer Leroy Russell, more popularly known as 'Tommy Lee', who has been charged with four others for lottery scamming activities, again had his bail extended in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.
The artiste and three of his co-accused had their bails extended as the file is incomplete. Russell, 26, Sabrina Williams, 23, Obrien Smith, 18, and Shanice James, 23, and 20-year-old Oshane Rankine, have been jointly charged with breaching the Law Reform (Fraudulent Transaction) (Special Provision) Act.
The men were charged stemming from an operation conducted at an apartment complex on Brompton Road. During a search of the premises, paraphernalia of scamming were detected and seized.
Meanwhile, Rankine, who is also charged with the other men, was granted $100,000 bail.
As a condition of his bail, he is to report to the Westmoreland police and surrender his travel documents. The court heard that Rankine has other matters including illegal possession and a murder charge.

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