Friday 4 July 2014

Beenie respond to Energy God's statements

Popular deejay Beenie Man has come out with all guns blazing following an article earlier this week when Elephant Man chastised him.
In an interview with the news team earlier this week, the 'Energy God' made comments about the entertainer that didn't seem to go down well with the King of the Dancehall. Beenie Man left no stones unturned in his response to the deejay.
In a release sent to the news team, Beenie Man was quoted as saying; "Elephant a you bad mind, cause a me Hot 97 call for an interview and you vex say it wasn't you."
He also accused the artiste of using him to keep his name current. "Elephant, is looking a hype because he is not hot but I have no beef with him. If Ele want to buss back come we sit down and plan a strategy but don't run to media and smear my name for a hype," he said.
Elephant Man also made claims that Beenie Man was selfish, stating that after years in the industry, Beenie Man has never helped to propel another artiste's career. Beenie Man used the opportunity to address that issue.
"I can honestly say that all the artistes in Shocking Vibes were highlighted because of Beenie Man, I helped to nurture their careers (and) we built a powerful camp," he said. He went on to say that he continues to build careers, highlighting the role he has played in establishing the careers of up-and-coming artistes Kantana and Rayted.
Beenie Man also commented on Ele's claim that he doesn't own a studio stating that he owns two. "He says I have no studio. Who own them? He is right I don't own a studio I own two," he said.
357 is a recording studio on Mannings Hill Road in St Andrew.
Beenie Man believes that Elephant Man has been excluded from this year's Reggae Sumfest line-up and that it is a testament to his decline in the industry. "If Ele is hot why isn't he on any of the big shows like Sumfest? We know Johnny wouldn't pass Ele if he was hot," he said. The artiste even went as far as to state that in previous years, Elephant Man paid off promoters of the popular reggae show just so he could be added to the line-up.
When the news team reached out to Beenie Man for additional comments, we were informed that the artiste was unavailable for any more interviews.
Elephant Man's comments had stemmed from comments made by Beenie Man in an interview with Hot 97, a United States-based radio station. In that interview, Beenie Man described a number of artistes including Elephant Man as 'broken down' and claimed himself as the balance in dancehall stating that every time something falls apart he's the one to fix it.

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