Monday 14 July 2014


According to Daily Mail reports, singer BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z are reportedly having online marriage counseling.
The couple, who are currently on their joint On The Run world tour, are said to be having counseling sessions with a therapist on the Internet via video-chat program Skype, in order to keep their relationship going strong.
A source told the Daily Mirror: “It might sound drastic but in America especially, counseling is fairly standard procedure…. They have known their therapist for a long time and try to have weekly sessions just to keep communication open and make sure there are no misunderstandings.”
Having been plagued by rumours of infidelity in recent months, the sessions are said to be about maintaining the happiness in their relationship for the sake of their two-year-old daughter Blue Ivy.
The source added to the newspaper:  “It’s about maintenance rather than trying to fix anything hugely wrong. They are both happy and their daughter, Blue Ivy, remains their absolute priority.”
While the couple has not openly addressed any rumoured issues, their actions have been speaking louder than words.
The musical sensations have been particularly amorous during their tour, definitely standing together and strong.
This actually sounds like a smart thing to do. If this is true, they’re being proactive and staying ahead of problems before they fester.
Do you think couples who do regular counseling have a better chance of surviving hits to their marriage than couples who insist on trying to work things out on their own?

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