Friday, 29 August 2014

Sean Kingston Sued Over Unpaid Jewelry Bill And Some of It Was Fake!

Sean Kingston is being sued by a NYC jeweler for not paying for several pieces of really, really nice jewelry -- and two pieces of cubic zirconia ... the news team has learned.

According to the lawsuit, filed in New York, Kingston got more than $200,000 worth of ice from Avi Da Jeweler from 2008-2013 ... but never paid for any of it. In the suit, Avi says Kingston wrote checks seven different times over the years, and they all bounced. 

Avi claims the orders throughout the years included watches and chains (two featuring Kingston's initials), a diamond "Jesus piece," a belly button chain (we're guessing not for him) ... and a cubic zirconia necklace and bracelet. 

The jeweler also claims Kingston never returned a $12,000 ring he loaned him for a "106 & Park" appearance. 

In all, Avi claims he's owed $226,200 and he wants an additional million bucks in punitive damages.  

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