Thursday 24 April 2014

Teenager jailed for 10 years over 'campaign of rape' against his nine-year-old sister

A teenager has been jailed after being found guilty of raping his sister more than 50 times - starting when she was just nine-years-old.
The horrific case was heard at Lincoln Crown Court this week.
The judge told how the boy, now aged 18, started raping his sister when he was 13-years-old.
He denied six charges of rape between 2008 and 2011 but was found guilty following a trial.
Jailing the boy for ten years, Recorder Gareth Evans QC told him: "This was akin to a campaign of rape. This was an entrenched pattern of deviant behaviour.
"When you were 13 you began raping your own sister, who was then aged just nine years old.
"You continued raping her on a regular basis at least once a fortnight until she was 11. You caused her physical and mental anguish which must have been obvious.
"Her innocence was taken away in the very place she should have found safe - her home."
The court heard the attacks only came to an end when the teenager started a sexual relationship with a new girlfriend.
The judge added: "You callously used [your sister] for your own selfish needs. You made threats to her designed to stop her from telling people what was going on.
"That was sufficient to keep her quiet for a very long time. I have no doubt that you continued to rape your sister because you believed the threats had effectively silenced her."
The judge said he would have imposed a 20-year sentence for similar offences committed by an adult, so ordered the boy to serve 10 years in a young offenders' institution.

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